Update: "Love Thy Neighbor"
Working full-time the past few weeks on a “teaser” for our upcoming movie (we pray!)—Mr. Unknown—my fortnightly podcast schedule has been turned topsy-turvy, for which, dear reader, I am grateful. Work is such a blessing, especially when it is in a creative field that brings one great satisfaction.
My normal podcast will return Wednesday, November 27th, but I wanted to leave you with a written thought or two and a link to an article that I received from one of our faithful listeners/readers, President of The Indianapolis Literary Club and talented composer, David Lips.
Thank you, David, for I found “Whatever Happens, Love Thy Neighbor,” by Larissa Phillips (The Free Press, Nov. 2, 2024), an encouraging article when I read it prior to the presidential election. Post the election, as acrimony has increased in certain quarters and charity seems to be scarce, I found it even more relevant.
One of the primary messages of the Gospel is Jesus’s revolutionary words to “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you” (Luke 6:27,28 NIV). What a challenge it is to live out those words that run counter to our selfish natures, inviting us to be reliant upon Him who is the source of such selfless love, enabling us by His grace to truly “Do to others as you would have them do to you (Luke 6:31 NIV).
A Democrat, living in a red, rural NY county, author Larissa Phillips allowed herself to be “…stunned by the depth of [her] neighbors’ generosity,” and though I could quibble over a few details, she has the right attitude and grabbed my heart when writing of the tender relationship between Lucas and Cleo. You’ll see.
And so, my brothers and sisters in Christ, till the next time we meet on November 27th, stay strong, and rest in knowing that God is in control “…and doeth all things well!"
Pressing On!
D. Paul
“The Church’s One Foundation Is Jesus Christ Her Lord!”